Youth Defense Appellate Program

Section 78B-22-903 of the Utah Code gives IADD the responsibility to provide appellate representation for children criminally adjudicated in the 3rd-6th class counties. Just like adults, children have a right to appeal any finding of delinquency.

IADD, through a contract, works with the Utah Juvenile Defender Attorneys who have years of experience fighting for the rights of children at all stages of the process.

Assistance from attorneys specializing in youth defense is available to defenders for brainstorming issues, legal research, drafting motions, and reviewing documents. Please download and complete the fillable Consultation Request form if you want to take advantage of this free service.

“The reality that [children] still struggle to define their identity means it is less supportable to conclude that even a heinous crime committed by a [child] is evidence of irretrievable depraved character.” 

—Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551, 553 (2005).