Project Director Resources

Each quarter, local government entities receiving Indigent Defense Commission grant funding must complete progress reporting and a reimbursement request in order to receive funds. The reimbursement request must be uploaded to the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice (CCJJ) Grants Management System (GMS).

Click the tabs below to access forms and detailed instructions for filling out the quarterly reports. Case counting definitions adopted by the IDC are also provided for your convenience. If you need additional support, please contact Katriina Adair.

The IDC provides DefenderData case management software to indigent defense providers in Utah. Beginning in July 2022, the cost of software licenses will be paid directly by the IDC. IDC staff can assist to set up DefenderData and provide training for attorneys. Contact Leslie Howitt for more information.

DefenderData Prime Resources:

Tell Us about Your Defender Data Challenges & Solutions

Use this form to tell about your challenges and suggestions on solving them when using the DefenderData case management software. IDC staff will compile and use feedback provided to inform discussions with the developer and shared user guides for the system. Thank you!
Complete the form

You can access the Grants Management System using the link below (login required). You must use a FIREFOX web browser to access the system.

Login to GMS

Login to the CCJJ Grants Management System with this link.

GMS Login

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